Use the canvas above to draw out your scene. It is a plan view looking down on the scene, with true/grid North straight upwards on the page (note that magnetic north varies by location as it's not exactly at the north pole!)
Some example objects in the shape of a simple house have been placed as an example and can be deleted.
Set a background image* (eg. of a satellite image, map or plan) to help position your objects, or use the grid provided.
Click "Add box" or "Add triangle" to add an object.
Click and drag the existing objects to move them.
Drag the selection handles to resize (outside red and blue handles for boxes with rotation performed using the middle yellow handle),
red, blue and green points for changing the shapes of triangles.
Enter a number into the height text boxes to change object heights.
* note: the image you use as background is only used on your local browser and is NOT uploaded to my server.
You will see where the shadows are cast at any time (set using the dropdown) and date (using the calendar) for your location (set on the above map)
You can animate the shadows for the complete day using the
Auto-play / Pause button