08 Feb 2025 - 19:24 GMT

Change History

As a result of review by friends and users of the site, I have made the below revisions over time to improve the functionality of the site

Surface shadow only option - no sides
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Added ability to remove sides from objects to plot the shadow cast only by the top surface.

Mark A
(November 2018)
Daily total shadow aggregate plot
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Added a plot of the total day shadow cast by all objects for all hours the sun is up, graduated from red to blue (brief to full shadow).

(June 2018)
Scale factor and units
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Added triangular objects with 3 independent heights for the vertices.

(May 2018)
Scale factor and units
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Added unit scale factor to represent objects with user-friendly dimensions (eg metres) rather than arbitrary pixels.

(Apr 2018)
Responsive layout
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Beginning to make the site mobile friendly and use responsive design. Planning on adding features to the scene editor and a report generator.

(Nov 2017)
Background Images in Scene Editor!
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You can now load a local image file into the scene editor to help with positioning your objects more accurately and quickly!

(3 Feb 2016)
New Scene Editor!
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The new drag-n-drop scene editor is here! This makes drawing your scene much more intuitive and faster!

(23 Dec 2015)
New "web2.0" site
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The site is now more user friendly and dynamic with immediate updates to the changes you make to location, date and other settings.

(11 Dec 2015)
App in AppStore!
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The app is now in the AppStore! I've also added a Facebook feed showing progress with future development.

(Aug 2015)
App in development
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I am now developing a couple of iOS apps based on the functionality of FindMyShadow.com and have set up a Facebook page to track the development - feed on the home page of this site. I'm hoping to get it on the app store this month!

(Jul 2015)
Bug notice
NoticeReported by

I am aware of a number of users experiencing a problem with some of the shadow plot images not loading. I believe the web hosting I am using is experiencing a local CPU demand problem and that the image creation is timing out. I am working on an incremental loading feature to ensure the images are produced reliably, but in the meantime you can right click on each of the missing images in the bottom of the report in turn and choose "Show image" which will cause it to be regenerated. Sorry for the inconvenience, but at least there is a workaround for now.

v 1.9 - 15 July 2014
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Changed the back button in the plot to take you back to edit your scene with all objects and settings intact! Prevents loss of whole scene if you need to edit an item or add more.

v 1.8 - 12 July 2014
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Changed the scene editor to tabulate the objects list and clean up rounding errors to allow much clearer information. Tidied up overflow in the canvas to prevent objects moving out of the box and overlapping the page content.

v 1.70 - 23 April 2014 (after another long break - I intend to make some dramatic improvements soon)
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Fixed the contact form to use PHPMailer instead of mail() which is barred by my hosting provider. More people should now be able to get in touch! (Thanks for the comments to those that have emailed directly instead!)

Added ability to change the date of your plot without having to start from scratch.

v 1.61 - 13 July 2011
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Significant shadow chart calculation performance improvement from eg 1.05 secs down to 0.04 secs (a 96% reduction!) for the same input parameters. Now shows calculation time in summary notes. Matt

v 1.60 - 11 July 2011 (after a long break from any development)
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Fixed a problem with drawchart which would fail to plot the intermediate sun positions if there were too many hours of daylight (querystring parameter list too long). S Mao
Fixed a bug where if sunset occurred after midnight (eg due to timezone setting vs location) then table would not start from sunrise, and would extend past sunset. Now adjusts to plot into following day where necessary and indicates it has done so. Matt
Developed the counters page to show how many charts were plotted per month (eg. June was 743 shadow charts) - I was always logging this, just never auditing it. Growth has been pretty good, nearly 600% in a year! Matt

v 1.50 - 6 September 2009
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Improve drawing interface for ease-of use, with example shapes and typical heights. Add undo function. Add animated output. Add AdSense... well, every little helps ;-)Matt

v 1.01 - 15 March 2009
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Enabled satellite view in Google Maps interfaceGraham
Fixed a problem in drawscene.php where the mouse position was incorrectly calculated if your window was scrolled down or right from the top-left position.Graham
Added shadow length multiplyer to sun position table to complement the altitude angle and make it easier to find the expected shadow length cast by an objectMatt
Added change history logMatt

v 1.00 - 14 March 2009
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Launch of site - 14th March 2009Matt Swain


Copyright © 2009-2020 Matt Swain